
Our product

LONG SRENG HUA JIAN Banana Farm is located in Steung Trang District, Kampong Cham Province, an area known for its red fertile soil. The bananas are cultivated using organic fertilizer, ensuring both safely and quality. The bananas are known for Sweetness, Creamy and Smooth Texture.

LONG SRENG HUA JIAN Banana Farm’s Three Missions

Banana Farm employs recycling-based agriculture to cultivate its bananas, leveraging the unique qualities of its soil. This approach involves reintroducing spoiled banana and inedible parts like stems and leaves back into the plantation as organic fertilizer.

The bananas are cultivated on fertile red soil.

The bananas have obtained GAP Certification (Good Agricultural Practices), which emphasizes four pillars: food safety, environmental management, workers’ health, safety, and well-being, and product quality, from General Directorate of Agriculture.


Long Sreng Hua Jian Banana Farm was established in 2018 with approximately 240 hectares. With support from the Cambodian government for exporting agricultural products, we have continued to grow and expand our land for plantations. By 2022, we had expanded to 260 hectares of plantation land, and by 2024, the total land for banana plantation had reached 500 hectares Long Sreng Hua Jian Banana Farm is situated along the Mekong River with a tropical climate in Boeung Ket Leu Village, Prek Kak Commune, Steung Trang District, Kampong Cham Province, located 165 kilometers from Phnom Penh City.

This organic fertilizer is made from manure, bagasse, rice husk, and other natural materials containing various beneficial bacteria for soil. After combining all the materials, the fertilizer is placed under the sun to reach a certain temperature.

After placing it outside for a certain period, it’s collected and stored indoors, where other materials are added. It’s stored indoors for 2 to 3 months before it can be used on banana plantations.


The area of land, which has been cleared and prepared for banana plantations.

The soil used for planting banana seedings is composed of red soil, coconut coir and compost fertilizer.

The banana seedings, which have been cultivated in Laboratory, are planted by workers.

Banana seedings are regularly watered, keeping the soil consistently moist.


Banana Laboratory is equipped with Autoclaves, which are used to eliminate harmful bacterial on banana seedings.

The banana seedlings receive significant attention; we take great care of them and meticulously select high-quality seedlings for plantation.

Newspapers, foam sheets and bags are placed between the bananas to prevent damage from sunshine, insects and blemishes on fruit.

The harvested bananas are hung from cables strung across the plantation and then transported to the packaging house by workers.

The bananas are separated from the bunches, placed into water, and washed.

The workers responsible for checking the condition of the bananas strictly select the best-quality bananas, discarding any damaged or misshapen ones.

Stickers are attached on the bananas as a guarantee of safety.

The bananas are placed into boxes and vacuum-packed in bags.

After being packed into boxes, the bananas are stored in a chilled cold room.

The bananas are placed into refrigerated containers and transported to overseas customers.